The Classics of Chinese Medicine describe 3 facets of Health …
The character contains two parts: the first is the character for “walk” and the second is the character for “road.”
As a verb the character Tōng means “to open,” “to penetrate,” “to remove obstacles,” “to communicate,” or “to link up.”
Chinese Medicine says: "If there is free flow, then there is no pain; if there is pain, then there is no free flow."
This character literally means “center” or “middle.”
In Ancient Chinese, the character also referred to China itself, as the Yellow Valley and surrounding mountains were the center of the civilization as they knew it.
This character denotes as sense of balance and centeredness within oneself, body and mind.
This character has many translations: “destiny,” “fate,” “life,” “to order,” “to command,” “right.”
In this instance, the character refers to “personal destiny.”
The vitality of the body/mind is intimately linked with whether or not our Mìng (personal destiny) is being fulfilled.
Acupuncture can actually assist an individual in tapping into their Mìng and reaching their fullest and most truthful expression.
Inserted into your body at precise locations based on a 2,500 year old linage, acupuncture needling has been proven (by the World Health Organization) to treat over a hundred different health conditions.
The needles stimulate the movement of Blood and Qi (vital substances) in the body and instruct the body on how to harmonize itself.
Acupuncture is best known in the West for treating pain and orthopedic conditions, but Asian Medicine is a complete system unto itself which can treat acute, chronic, and terminal cases.
ACUTE: Strains / Sprains, “I woke up with my back feeling funky,” “I landed that snowboarding jump wrong yesterday on the mountain,” “I fell on my icy steps,” or… “I feel like I’m about to get sick”
CHRONIC: Anxiety / Depression, Insomnia, Fatigue, Headaches / Migraines, Autoimmune Disorders (Hashimoto’s, Graves, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn's, etc.), Digestive Disorders (IBS, Gastritis, Indigestion, Acid Reflux, Bloating, etc.), Skin Disorders (Acne, Psorasis, Eczema, Painful Scars, Hair Loss), PMS/GYN issues (Pain, Cramping, Mood Swings, Heavy Period, Irregular Periods), Infertility, Pre/postnatal Care, etc…
TERMINAL / PALLIATIVE: Pain relief and comfort for those who’s bodies (technically) won’t recover.
MAINTENANCE: Acupuncture focuses on overall well-being rather than treating only specific, isolated symptoms. Many patients come in for regular, quarterly, or annual "tune-ups" because it helps them to prevent the formation of disease.
E - Stim
While Acupuncture’s linage dates back thousands of years, the use of electro-acupuncture is a fairly recent addition to an acupuncturist’s toolkit.
The electrodes, which are clipped onto the needles of a regular acupuncture treatment, connect to a machine which generates a low-grade electrical impulse at a specific frequency and intensity. The sensation feels similar to a tapping, buzzing, or like a teenie tiny rubber band is being gently snapped on your skin. The sensation should be mild and will still allow for a relaxing treatment.
Electro-Acupuncture can rapidly and effectively break through the neuro-hormonal traps in the body: in the brain (depression), in the lower abdomen (slow metabolism), in the spinal cord (stress / nervous system overload). It’s even been proven that a regular interval of 2Hz (milli-current) can stimulate nerve generation.
Western research states that electro-acupuncture has been proven to increase the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments in general; specifically, e-stim is highly effective in the treatment of pain and orthopedic conditions.
An ancient form of heat (Yang) therapy which predates the use of acupuncture needles. Chinese Mugwort, also known as Artemisia Vulgaris, is burned at or above specific acupuncture points to warm and stimulate the underlying structures and increase circulation.
The use of moxibustion is essential in treating:
“Cold” (chronic) Conditions: old injuries / surgical adhesions, chronic back pain, female infertility, menstrual disorders, sluggish digestion, hypothyroidism, etc …
“Accumulations:” cysts, fibroids, moles, etc…
Some “Wind Disorders” such as Bell’s Palsy and other kinds of facial paralysis.
Western research has shown that Moxibustion (Moxa) therapy is effective at raising white blood cell counts in severely debilitated patients and, most famously, is used to reposition breech babies.
In Chinese Medicine “stagnation” is the root of many diseases; it is the impairment of Tōng, the free flow of Qi and Blood.
When the Liver and Kidneys are unable to handle toxic insults on our system, the toxins are stored in the muscle layer so that the body can deal with them at another time. As toxins and cellular waste accumulate (stagnate) in the muscle layer of the body, we begin to experience symptoms: tightness, pain, restricted movement, fatigue, sluggish organs, skin problems, etc…
Stagnation can occur for any number of reasons: injuries that never fully healed, scar tissue from any surgery, injury, traumatic event, or chronic postural condition. Additionally, any “cold” condition which restricts the circulation will lead to an increase in waste stagnation.
The vacuum action of cupping rapidly facilitates the release of soft tissue adhesions by creating space between the muscle layers and the skin for oxygen, living cells, fluids, and nutrients to enter the tissues and promote healing. Cupping stimulates the peripheral nervous system, loosens and lifts connective tissue, breaks up and drains stagnation, and increases blood and lymph flow to the skin, muscles, and connective tissues. It draws stagnations up to the skin (and away from the underlying injury) so that healthy circulation can be restored.